Wednesday, October 21, 2009

LadyBug Invasion

I was one of those getting dive-bombed yesterday. Awesome! They kept playing buzz the tower.

It was great being able to show the kiddos. They thought it was neat when a few landed on us.

I counted about 7 different species on the front of our home. I couldn't couldn't keep count of how many there were total, but there was a lot.
clipped from

Have you noticed what seems like an explosion of ladybugs lately?
"Where are all the ladybugs coming from? I was "attacked" today while hanging my laundry."
"Why am I being invaded by hundreds of ladybugs today?"

Well, the answer is pretty simple.

An expert told WBZ the bugs may sense that winter is coming. Because it was warm Tuesday, they were looking for a place, such as a home, to spend the winter.
WBZ Executive Weather Producer Terry Eliasen said the influx of ladybugs happens any year that there are a bunch of really cold fall days, followed by a warm-up... like two years ago.
They may be a nuisance, but the ladybugs are harmless - and can even be good for your garden.
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