Baccus Says Health Care Plan Can Pass To Senate
Sen. Olympia Snowe says she will vote for health care bill, the only Republican to back the legislation Divided along partisan lines, a key Senate committee moved Tuesday toward a milestone vote on sweeping health care legislation that would fulfill President Barack Obama's top domestic priority. Its ultimate fate remained far from certain. "Ours is a balanced plan that can pass the Senate," declared Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont. Health care legislation is expected to be on the Senate floor the week after next, said a spokesman for Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, who must combine the Finance version with a more liberal proposal from the health committee. President Obama's plan to remake the nation's health care system is about to take its biggest step yet toward becoming reality. A major question mark is whether Reid will include some version of a so-called public plan in the merged bill. |
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