Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Santa Baby

I read about this in my local paper. Apparently this year, the teens in my neck of the woods are hoping for some big time presents from Santa.
Ipods, laptops, cellphones and that first car ( insurance courtesy of parents) are topping the lists for most 16 year olds. The car is definatley on the top of the list , even though some of these kids haven't got their learner's permits yet. Nor do most have a part time job.
I wonder if our teens are just too used to Mom and Dad giving them what ever they want? I've seen 10 year olds with cellphones . Is it really necessary for a ten year old to be carrying around a cell phone?
Am I experiencing a generation gap? I mean I'm only 30 but at that age if I wanted something that cost over thirty bucks I was on my own. "Save up for it , or get a job kiddo."

I wonder what Santa thinks about this?

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