Saturday, April 28, 2007

Baby Steps

Our youngest,John-John, stood for the first time today, and for( the first time in our family) long enough for me to grab the camera AND take the picture. It will be the first " first steps "in our family album.

It has always been between Daddy and I trying to alert the other without startling the child, yelling "hey lookit, lookit, lookit" which makes the kid drop to the floor, or grabbing the camera just in time to see him plop to a sitting position.

I joke with John -John that he needs to get mobile because he is getting to big to carry. Is he ever a big boy. (Not fat. Chubby, no. More like a linebacker with built in shoulder pads.)

For an 11 month old that came into this world at 7lbs 14oz (which really isn't all that big) he's a pretty big boy. He is almost the same height as his 26month old brother( who was also 7lbs 14 oz at birth) and can wear a 3t (toddler size = to three years of age) tee comfortably.

He's strong too and once he realizes it we are in trouble. He gave me a love pat in the face once and I saw so many stars I thought I was at the Oscars. Daddy works with I-beams all day and even he has trouble pulling something out of John-John's hands when he has a death grip on it.

It won't be long now, he'll be walking soon. Soon I'll be kicking myself for all those mobile jokes as he gets faster and into more things. Soon I'll be watching him and wondering where did time go?

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